We’ve found a drainage problem and need your help to fix it!
Have you received a letter from Watercare stating the above? Don’t panic! Please read through the following information first. Drainage NZ have developed affordable solutions which could save you thousands in separating your sewer and stormwater drainage (Cross Connections) .

Dear Owners,
Re: Private drainage investigation results for your
propertySite address: XXXYYY
Recently your private wastewater and stormwater drainage was inspected as part of a joint investigation programme between Auckland Council and Watercare to improve our stormwater and wastewater networks, and the water quality of Auckland’s streams and beaches.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Council is aware that this has affected many of our circumstances and understands this can place extra pressure on people, businesses and whānau. Council in good faith asks that at you seek to remedy the following drainage issue that has been identified.
This investigation has identified the following drainage issue on your property:
• A cracked, damaged, or unsealed pipe or inspection point.
We carried out a smoke test and Drain CCTV in your area and found smoke coming from the ground directly above the (stormwater/wastewater) private pipe or inspection point. This means the (stormwater/wastewater) pipe or inspection point is likely to be in poor condition, for example, cracked, damaged, or unsealed. Please arrange to have this repaired. One of the ways to do this is to contact a registered plumber or drain layer to investigate and fix the issue.
Please find enclosed with this letter a copy of your private drainage inspection record for your property. We have also included a leaflet that explains why fixing your drainage issue is so important.
What do you need to do?
As a property owner, you are responsible for ensuring that stormwater from your property does not enter the wastewater network and that wastewater does not enter the stormwater system. You can find a registered plumber or drain layer at www.pgdb.co.nz.
Please email evidence that the necessary repair work has been completed or underway to proactivecompliance@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz by XX 2023. This could include the following information:
• record of works undertaken by your plumber/drainlayer; or
• photographs of the repair work with measurements.
We will continue to look for ways to help our customers negotiate these difficult times and if you have any concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the email detail above, we will do our very best to work with you.
We would like to thank you for doing your part to reduce overflows and improve the water quality of Auckland’s streams and beaches.
In these unprecedented times we hope you continue to prioritize your health and the health of those around you, stay healthy and safe.
Yours faithfully,
Watercare Agent
Compliance Officer
Licensing & Regulatory Compliance
The letter includes a PDF attachment which we have broken down for you into sections.
We recently visited your property to:
• Check whether your gully traps, downpipes and spouting were draining into the right place and are in good condition.
• Look for areas where big puddles or flooding could occur and drain into the wastewater network.
As a result of our visit, we have identified a drainage issue on your property that is allowing stormwater to enter the wastewater network or vice versa. This is a major contributor to wet-weather
overflows and poor water quality.

Why is it important to fix this?
Problems with private drainage are a major contributor to wet-weather overflows and poor water quality. Wet-weather overflows occur when the volume of stormwater entering our wastewater pipes exceeds their capacity. When this happens, diluted wastewater can overflow, polluting people’s properties and Auckland’s streams and beaches.
Why are overflows a problem?
• They can affect your health and your family’s health
• They can pollute properties, our streams and beaches.
Reducing wet-weather overflows and improving water quality Working together to improve the water quality of streams and beaches in Auckland.
Wet-weather overflows and incorrectly connected or damaged pipes can affect people’s properties and pollute our streams and beaches. Working together to improve the water quality of streams and beaches in Auckland Why is it important to fix this? Problems with private drainage are a major contributor to wet-weather overflows and poor water quality. Wet-weather overflows occur when the volume of stormwater entering our wastewater pipes exceeds their capacity. When this happens, diluted wastewater can overflow, polluting people’s properties and Auckland’s streams and beaches.
Why are overflows a problem?
• They can affect your health and your family’s health
• They can pollute properties, our streams and beaches
• Drain Unblocking may resolve initial problems identified.
If you are a property owner, you are responsible for ensuring that storm water from your property does not enter the wastewater network and wastewater does not enter the storm water network.
As part of our region-wide programme to reduce the volume of storm water entering the wastewater network, we’re inspecting and testing the public wastewater and storm water network and private property drainage across Auckland.
We’re also working closely with Auckland Council to identify and investigate issues that consistently impact the health of our local waterways and beaches. We’re developing and implementing strategies to manage wastewater and storm water in the long-term: accommodating growth., reducing wet-weather overflows and improving water quality. Together, we can improve the health of our local waterways, streams and beaches.

Landscaping and paved areas
Stormwater can build up quickly on these surfaces during heavy rain. To avoid it flowing into gully traps or wastewater pipes, drainage in these areas should be directed into the storm water network.

Private pipes
All private drainage pipes must be correctly connected so wastewater and stormwater drain into the right place. It’s also important to fix any wastewater pipes on your property that are old, broken or have roots growing into them. Water can seep through the ground into damaged pipes and enter the wastewater network.

Wastewater manholes
During periods of heavy rain, a sudden increase in stormwater flowing into the wastewater network from properties can result in diluted wastewater overflowing from manholes and elsewhere in the network.

Gully traps
Wastewater from your kitchen, bathroom and laundry exits your home through a gully trap, which is a basin in the ground. All houses have at least one gully trap against an outside wall. They protect your family’s health by ensuring that, in the event of a blockage, wastewater will overflow from the gully trap and not back inside your home. They also prevent foul air escaping from your wastewater pipes. It is important to ensure your gully trap is raised off the ground and covered by a grate to prevent stormwater and other foreign matter entering the wastewater Network.

How can Drainage NZ assist with your crossover compliance warning?
Watercare Services Limited began smoke testing drains in Auckland, New Zealand, around 2011. This method is used to identify leaks, illegal connections, and faulty pipes in the wastewater network by pumping non-toxic smoke into the system and observing where it escapes. This helps Watercare to maintain and improve the efficiency of the wastewater infrastructure by pinpointing issues that need a drain repair or replacement Drainage NZ has been involved with resolving these cross connections ever since!
If you have received a letter such as the above, contact us for solutions that will not cost you a fortune.